
Command Line Utility

The primary interface is the command line interface.

By default, the command line utility can be called with


This will look for data in the data subdirectory of the current working directory and place output in the results subdirectory of the current working directory.

The library can be configured with YAML by specifying the --config flag.

An example configuration YAML looks like:

results_path: /home/my_user/results
scan_paths: [/home/my_user/dl_data/, /data/]
tar: False


The command link util creates a tarball of the HTML output of the report generator. This is placed in the results path and is named by current time stamp.

If one untars the ball and opens the index.html file, the summary page contains links to file reports, etc...

Note that in order for the page to appear correctly, internet connectivity is required.

Python API

Refer to the dl_data_validation_toolset page.